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Innovations Unplugged: - Surprising Inventions That Changed the Game - cover

Innovations Unplugged: - Surprising Inventions That Changed the Game

Kevin Hudson

Narrador Peter Hoffer

Editorial: Kevin Hudson

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The Great Emu War, which unfolded in Australia in 1932, stands as one of the most peculiar conflicts in history, pitting humans against a flightless bird. Following World War I, many Australian veterans were given land to farm in Western Australia. However, their efforts were thwarted by an unexpected adversary: the emu population. These large, flightless birds descended upon the newly cultivated fields, wreaking havoc on crops and causing significant economic strain for the farmers. As the situation escalated, the government decided to intervene, leading to a bizarre military operation that would come to be known as the Great Emu War.
Duración: alrededor de 2 horas (01:36:01)
Fecha de publicación: 23/11/2024; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —