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Arm Candy - cover

Arm Candy

Jo Leigh

Casa editrice: Harlequin Blaze

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Marketing whiz Jessica Howell needs some “arm candy”—adeliciously sexy man by her side to keep her married playboyboss in line. Dan Crawford fits the bill—he's handsome, discreetand available. Definitely the perfect escort for the party circuit andmedia blitz surrounding Jessica's hot new cosmetics campaign.Helping gorgeous Jess with her dilemma is a treat for Dan—and very tempting. Attend a few parties, exchange heatedglances, kiss her senseless…pretend to be in love. Tough job?Except there's no pretense after they share one night of sizzlingno-holds-barred sex. Dan doesn't want to be kept at arm's lengthanymore. But will Jess see their hot fling leadingto the real thing?
Disponibile da: 01/08/2010.
Lunghezza di stampa: 256 pagine.

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