Hidden Trail
Jim Kjelgaard
Publisher: Reading Essentials
How could more than a thousand elk disappear on a migration from summer to winter feeding grounds? Did they got lost and starve, were they killed by natural law or human enemies, or did they just find their way to some unknown spot? In a search for possible answers, the Conservation Department sent its young photograph, Jase Mason, into the wilds of Whitestone National Park. With only his big Airedale for company, Jase was to follow the herd, make a movie documentary of the migration, and find out what he could about the missing elk. He solved the mystery, but only through courage and perseverance in the face of dangerous risks. Conservation and adventure are natural companions, and no one can combine them with a surer hand than Jim Kjelgaard. In this tense, fact-based story, he dramatically points up to readers, young and old, the modern relationship between man and the wild creatures that are now in his charge.