Deadworld: Volume 3 [Dramatized...
Gary Reed
"Combining the stories collected in DeadWorld Frozen Over & To Kill a King.
Since the zombie invasion, the island of Manhattan has been turned into a wintery wasteland. The Zombie King has arrived in search of a mythical Opener. A human who can create a bridge to the land of the dead and unleash all its horrors on earth. But, who is the mysterious Giant and why can no one get onto the island of Manhattan?
Then we take a trip to the carnival and learn the origins of the Dead-Killer and why he wants the Zombie King dead forever.
And finally, where does the Vamp get her tattoos? And why are they so important?
Frozen Over:
Performed by Scott McCormick, Torian Brackett, Rayner Gabriel, Zeke Alton, Rob MacFadyen, Robb Moreira, Ken Jackson, Nazia Chaudhry, Eric Messner, Henry Kramer, Christopher Williams, Tanja Milojevic, Steve Wannall, Nanette Savard, Marni Penning and Michael John Casey.
To Kill a King:
Performed by Scott McCormick, Bradley Foster Smith, Michael John Casey, Kimberly Gilbert, Colleen Delany, Holly Adams, Andy Clemence, Matthew Bassett, Dylan Lynch, Matthew Pauli, Joe Mallon, Michael Glenn, Jefferson A. Russell, Jason Keller, Peter Holdway, Megan Poppy, Matthew McGee and Eva Wilhelm.
Body of Art:
Performed by Scott McCormick, Karen Novack and Terence Aselford."
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