Pepys's Navy - Ships Men & Warfare 1649–1689
J. D. Davies
Editorial: Seaforth Publishing
An extensively illustrated reference covering four tumultuous decades that gave birth to the modern Royal Navy. Winner of the Samuel Pepys Prize and Latham Medal This reference book describes every aspect of the English navy in the second half of the seventeenth century, from the time when the Fleet Royal was taken into Parliamentary control after the defeat of Charles I, until the accession of William and Mary in 1689 when the long period of war with the Dutch came to an end. This is a crucial era that witnessed the creation of a permanent naval service, in essence the birth of today’s Royal Navy. Samuel Pepys, whose thirty years of service did so much to replace the ad hoc processes of the past with systems for construction and administration, is one of the most significant players, and the navy that was, by 1690, ready for a century of global struggle with the French owed much to his tireless work. This major reference for historians, naval enthusiasts, and, anyone with an interest in this colorful era of the seventeenth century covers: naval administration ship types and shipbuilding naval recruitment and crews seamanship and gunnery shipboard life dockyards and bases the foreign navies of the period the three major wars fought against the Dutch in the Channel and the North Sea “Davies writes clearly, knows his subject extremely well, organizes the material effectively, and covers each topic thoroughly . . . there’s some new piece of revelatory detail on pretty much every page. If you’re at all interested in seventeenth century sailing ships—especially English ships—this is a truly fascinating and rewarding book.” —Corsairs and Captives