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Conflict Theory - cover

Conflict Theory

IntroBooks Team

Erzähler Andrea Giordani

Verlag: IntroBooks

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‘Disagreements or arguments’ are the words which are best described for conflict. Its theories are perceptions in the society and psychological aspects of the society which underline the partisan, communal or substantial disparity of a communal group which evaluate the comprehensive socio-political system, or that otherwise diminish from organisational functionalism and conceptual obscurantism. In simple words – conflict of the classes. Although there are many theorists who contribute to the theories of conflict but Karl Marx has been considered to be the father of this theory. This eBook deliberates the different theories of conflict. 
Dauer: 41 Minuten (00:41:05)
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 06.05.2016; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —