Wir entschuldigen uns! Der Herausgeber (oder Autor) hat uns beauftragt, dieses Buch aus unserem Katalog zu entfernen. Aber kein Grund zur Sorge, Sie haben noch mehr als 500.000 andere Bücher zur Auswahl!
Breaking the Cages
Grace Wilson, Elle Boon, Belle Brooks, Jade Royal, Julia Bright, Wilson Sisters, L Grubb
Verlag: Gracie Wilson
Seven authors have banded together to raise money for The Sarnia Humane Society. Each romantic story will have you begging for more and we don't disappoint. This collection isn't a small one. The Sarnia Humane Society provide shelter for abandoned and abused animals; giving them the care and love they desperately need. All royalties made will be donated to this charity to help provide for the animals' care and helping them towards finding their forever home. So go ahead, pick it up, you might just find your next book boyfriend inside.