Eminent Victorians
Giles Lytton Strachey
Erzähler LibriVox Community
Verlag: LibriVox
On Modern Library's list of 100 Best Non-Fiction books, "Eminent Victorians" marked an epoch in the art of biography; it also helped to crack the old myths of high Victorianism and to usher in a new spirit by which chauvinism, hypocrisy and the stiff upper lip were debunked. In it, Strachey cleverly exposes the self-seeking ambitions of Cardinal Manning and the manipulative, neurotic Florence Nightingale; and in his essays on Dr Arnold and General Gordon, his quarries are not only his subjects but also the public-school system and the whole structure of nineteenth-century liberal values.
Dauer: etwa 12 Stunden (12:02:43) Veröffentlichungsdatum: 25.08.2014; Copyright Year: 1918. Copyright Statment: —