Movers Shakers Mommies and Makers - Success Stories from Mompreneurs
Gibbs M. Smith
Editora: Gibbs Smith
Eleven entrepreneurial women share their stories of balancing motherhood with starting their own businesses in this inspiring anthology.Motherhood is a full-time job—and so is starting a business from the ground up. Attempting to do both at once can seem daunting, but as these firsthand stories of success demonstrate, it really can be done. In their own words, eleven mom-entrepreneurs tell their stories of transforming their businesses from side-projects in craft-rooms and garages to nationally recognized brands. While each of their stories is unique, these women all speak of the leap of faith required to make their dreams come true. They all share what they learned as their businesses—and children—grew. Now the furniture, clothing, toys, diaper bags, and other products these women create can be found in stores across the country, including at major retailers such as Nordstrom and Walmart.