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Brother Jacob - cover

Brother Jacob

George Eliot

Narrador Lynne T

Editora: Erika

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Among the many fatalities attending the bloom of young desire, that of blindly taking to the confectionery line has not, perhaps, been sufficiently considered. How is the son of a British yeoman, who has been fed principally on salt pork and yeast dumplings, to know that there is satiety for the human stomach even in a paradise of glass jars full of sugared almonds and pink lozenges, and that the tedium of life can reach a pitch where plum-buns at discretion cease to offer the slightest excitement?
Duração: aproximadamente 2 horas (01:45:06)
Data de publicação: 27/05/2022; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2022. Copyright Statment: —