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Off With Their Heads! Alice’s Grave Misadventures - Expanded Edition - cover

Off With Their Heads! Alice’s Grave Misadventures - Expanded Edition

Gary McGrew

Erzähler Gary McGrew

Verlag: New Cabin Literature

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There was no shadow cast - so, it must have been noon when a man fell for Alice in a bunny costume. Alice loved rabbits. She fell for the bait, but it wouldn’t take long ’til all bunnies she’d hate. He gestured to follow. They then fell towards the sky! She watched as her home became smaller in size. Above her, the ground was a bright shade of red and the bunny she followed, fell too and was dead. She was certain that his would become her fate too, but the dead Bunnyman stood up, good as new. He reached out to catch her. She slipped through his hands. Irrelevant now were her day’s list of plans.
Dauer: etwa eine Stunde (00:48:12)
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 15.09.2022; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —