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Wet Spanking - cover

Wet Spanking

Essemoh Teepee

Narrateur Grace's Grove

Maison d'édition: Alternatepress Ltd

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Directed Erotic Visualisation© is not an audio book, it is so much more. This unique experience puts you into the very heart of the story, allowing you to feel all the sensations for real.#eeafa award winner, Grace's Grove is giving you her all in this extended Impossible Lovers for Men experience. Spanksgiving is one of Grace's favorite holidays and there is nothing that makes her want you more than a Wet Spanking. Won't you give it to her?Bondage, Domination/submission, Non Consent, Paranormal/Non-Human, Pleasure/Pain, Humiliation and Multiple Partner experiences are just a few of the more extreme erotic delights that you can discover through Directed Erotic Visualisation© Triple XXX Experiences.
Durée: 33 minutes (00:32:36)
Date de publication: 16/01/2018; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2017. Copyright Statment: —