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International Thematic Research on International Trade and Business in Indonesia - ASIAN Economic and Business Development Volume 4 No 1 June 2022 - cover

International Thematic Research on International Trade and Business in Indonesia - ASIAN Economic and Business Development Volume 4 No 1 June 2022

Eny Lestari Widarni, Suryaning Bawono, Sebastiana Viphindrartin

Verlag: PT. Frost Yunior

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International Thematic Research on International Trade and Business in Indonesia is a chapter book that is a collection of research results related to international trade, international business, and the international economy in Indonesia.
This book is a collaborative paper between researchers, academics, and practitioners. International Thematic Research on International Trade and Business in Indonesia is the title of the book chosen in this book. This book was written to provide an overview and understanding of international trade, international business, and international economics with the research locus, namely Indonesia.
Verfügbar seit: 11.06.2022.

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