Rhyme A Dozen A - Lesbian Love - 12 Poets 12 Poems 1 Topic
Emily Dickinson, Renée Vivien, Akiko Yosano, Charlotte][AUTHOR Mew, Edith Södergran, Katharine Lee Bates, Katherine Phillips, Matilda Betham Edwards, Radclyffe Hall, Sappho, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Wu Zao
Narrator Ghizela Rowe, Eve Karpf, Shyama Perera
Publisher: The Copyright Group
‘A dime a dozen’ as known in America, is perhaps equal to the English ‘cheap as chips’ but whatever the lingua franca of your choice in this series we hereby submit ‘A Rhyme a Dozen’ as 12 poems on many given subjects that are a well-rounded gathering, maybe even an essential guide, from the knowing pens of classic poets and their beautifully spoken verse to the comfort of your ears. 1 - A Rhyme a Dozen - 12 Poets, 12 Poems, 1 Topic. Lesbian Love 2 - Wild Nights, Wild Nights by Emily Dickinson 3 - The Touch by Renee Vivien 4 - Hands and Lips by Radclyffe Hall 5 - For the Courtesan Ch'ing Lin by Wu Zao 6 - Love by by Edith Sodergran 7 - I Can Give Myself To Her by Akiko Yosano 8 - My Heart is Lame by Charlotte Mew 9 - If You Could Come by Katharine Lee Bates 10 - My Divine Lysis by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz 11 - I Have Not Had One Word From Her by Sappho 12 - L'Amitie, To Mrs M. Awbrey by Katherine Phillips 13 - A Valentine by Matilda Betham Edwards
Duration: 12 minutes (00:11:57) Publishing date: 2023-01-01; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —