Dictionary of Witchcraft
Collin de Plancy
The original and authoritative A-to-Z reference guide to witchcraft, paganism, and magic, compiled by the famed nineteenth-century French occultist. Following its original publication in 1818, Collin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal became a landmark study of witchcraft, pagan religions, and the occult. The first reference work to seriously document manifestations, magic, and superstitions, this historical dictionary details beings, characters, books, deeds, and causes that pertain to the manifestations and magic of trafficking with Hell, as well as divinations, occult sciences, grimoires, marvels, errors, prejudices, traditions, folktales, the various superstitions, and all manner of marvelous, surprising, mysterious, and supernatural beliefs. A significant influence on the Romantic literary movement and notably consulted by author Victor Hugo, it remains an essential text for any student of the dark arts or demonology.
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