Miss Leslie's New Cookery Book
Eliza Leslie
Casa editrice: Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC
This nineteenth-century American cookbook is a comprehensive guide to traditional American cooking by one of the era’s more prolific food writers. Originally published in 1857, Miss Leslie’s New Cookery Book set a new standard in American cookbook publishing. This comprehensive recipe collection of over 650 pages with 1,000 recipes contains dishes ranging from American fried chicken and southern veal stew to continental favorites like Italian pork and West Indian fried bananas. Every recipe was tested by the author, and all were original to the book. Leslie was a marvelous food writer whose strongly stated opinions about cooking techniques and ingredients provided sensible advice to American cooks who had long suffered from the poor directions in continental cookbooks and from the differences in European kitchens and utensils. Her publisher proclaimed this “the most complete Cook Book in the world.” This edition of Miss Leslie’s New Cookery Book was reproduced by permission from the volume in the collection of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, founded in 1812.