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The Imp of the Perverse - cover

The Imp of the Perverse

Edgar Allan Poe

Narratore Marcus Aurelius Green

Casa editrice: Marcus Aurelius Green

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In The Imp of the Perverse, Edgar Allan Poe delves into the darker aspects of human nature through the concept of an inner force that drives people to act against their own best interests. This short story explores the psychological phenomenon of self-sabotage, where individuals are compelled to make irrational decisions that lead to their downfall. Told from the perspective of a narrator who succumbs to this destructive impulse, the tale examines guilt, confession, and the mysterious power of perversity within the human mind. 
Poe’s mastery of psychological horror is on full display as he uncovers the inner workings of a mind tormented by its own urges. Narrated by Marcus Aurelius Green, this audiobook captures the unsettling atmosphere and intense introspection that define the story, offering listeners an immersive experience in Poe’s exploration of the darker corners of human consciousness. The Imp of the Perverse is a chilling and thought-provoking tale that continues to resonate with readers and listeners alike.
Durata: 20 minuti (00:19:30)
Data di pubblicazione: 03/09/2024; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —