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The Trespasser - cover

The Trespasser

D.H. Lawrence

Narratore Eloise Fairfax

Casa editrice: Interactive Media

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Immerse yourself in the emotional landscape of "The Trespasser" by D. H. Lawrence. The novel follows Helena and Siegmund, lovers whose passionate yet doomed affair unfolds over a fateful seaside holiday. Amidst the rugged beauty of the Isle of Wight, the couple grapples with societal constraints, personal conflicts, and impending tragedy. Lawrence's rich, lyrical prose captures the intensity of their emotions and the inevitable sorrow that accompanies their transgression, offering a poignant exploration of love, fate, and the human condition.
Durata: circa 8 ore (07:53:47)
Data di pubblicazione: 24/07/2024; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2024. Copyright Statment: —