Wealthier - The Investing Field Guide for Millennials
Daniel R. Solin
Narrator Drew Birdseye
Publisher: Silvercloud Publishing, LLC
Wealthier: A Field Guide to Financial Freedom empowers millennials to be responsible and intelligent DIY investors and financial planners without using a financial advisor. It’s helpful to readers at all levels of investing experience. You’ll learn: A simple investing strategy using just two exchange-traded funds that will outperform most professionals. Why financial planning is overhyped and oversold. How the securities industry acts as an anti-investor lobbying machine, spewing misinformation to make you believe you need their help. How the financial media spews misinformation and inspires fear and greed, all for the benefit of its advertisers–not you. Why the authoritative-looking experts who opine on the direction of the market and how to pick stock “winners” are emperors with no clothes. A mind-blowing secret about life insurance commissions the insurance industry is terrified you’ll learn. Whether you should buy a home or rent. Why adjustable rate mortgages are often preferable to fixed-rate mortgages. How your brain works against you to keep you from reaching your financial goals. How to choose the right financial advisor when you need one. Why the practice of Stoicism is the key to reaching your lifetime goals. ....and much more.
Duration: about 5 hours (05:02:28) Publishing date: 2024-05-15; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —