Johan’s Joy - A SEALs of Honor World Novel
Dale Mayer
Narratore Brian Meslar
Casa editrice: Valley Publishing Ltd.
Book 22: Heroes for HireAfter helping out Vince, Johan hadn’t planned on staying at Levi and Ice’s compound for long. However, Johan realizes how much plans can change when Galen comes over from Africa to join Johan, and the two are sent into town on a job that’s close and up-front personal to another member of Legendary Security.Joyce, otherwise called Joy, sought a career position but accepted something out of her normal skill set in order to pay the rent. But when her inventory lists show missing drugs, she knows something ugly is going on. With no one at the company willing to listen, she turns to her old friend Kai for advice.Johan wasn’t the answer Joy was looking for, but, when she finds out the previous employee to hold her position is in the morgue, she’s damn happy to have him.Her job might be safe … but her life? Well, that’s on the line …
Durata: circa 6 ore (05:57:30) Data di pubblicazione: 28/02/2024; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —