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Better Than Perfect - How Gifted Bosses and Great Employees Can Lift the Performance of Those Around Them - cover

Better Than Perfect - How Gifted Bosses and Great Employees Can Lift the Performance of Those Around Them

Dale A. Dauten

Casa editrice: Career Press

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With the crisp style and provocative insights that have made him a leading syndicated columnist, Dale Dauten explores how the best bosses, employees and suppliers think, learn, and communicate differently. The title of his new book is taken from his conversation with the late Jean-Pierre Rampal, who reigned for decades as the world's leading flute player. When asked about his willingness to experiment with his technique, Rampal thought a long moment, then said, "Some nights I go out and play a piece perfectly. Then, the next night, I play it better." In his previous book, The Gifted Boss, Dauten detailed what he learned from his search for the country's best managers. Now with Better Than Perfect, he expands his research to include "best-ever" colleagues at every level.
Disponibile da: 10/02/2006.
Lunghezza di stampa: 190 pagine.

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