Sneakiest Uses for Everyday Things - How to Make a Boomerang with a Business Card Convert a Pencil into a Microphone Make Animated Origami Turn a TV Tray into a Giant Robot and Create Alternative Energy Science Projects
Cy Tymony
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC
The third volume in the Sneaky Uses series features fifty all-new amazing projects made from ordinary household items. Master of homemade inventions Cy Tymony is back with the absolute Sneakiest Uses for Everyday Things! Would-be inventers, junk drawer aficionados, and science-fair parents rejoice as Cy helps you bring out your inner MacGyver. In these pages you will learn how to turn a piece of paper into a Frisbee, a business card into a boomerang, a TV tray into a robot, and more. Beginning with a complete list of materials and some sneaky science fun-damentals, Cy presents easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions paired with helpful illustrations. Most projects will be completed in just minutes using common items found around the house.