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Microsoft Certified Architect certification (MCA) Exam Preparation Course in a Book for Passing the MCA Exam - The How To Pass on Your First Try Certification Study Guide - cover

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Microsoft Certified Architect certification (MCA) Exam Preparation Course in a Book for Passing the MCA Exam - The How To Pass on Your First Try Certification Study Guide

Curtis Reese

Maison d'édition: Emereo Publishing

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Validate your capability to translate business problems into technology solutions. When you earn the Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA) certification, you can be recognized by Microsoft and the IT industry worldwide as an expert who holds the highest level of professional certification from Microsoft.

The Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA) certification is the pinnacle of Microsoft certification. Eligibility into the program first requires Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) certification in a relevant product. Candidates must then be reviewed and approved by Microsoft to be entered into the program.
Accepted candidates must prepare a work history dossier, architectural solution case study, and a document that demonstrates the relevance of their skills and work experience. Following that, candidates must attend a 2-hour Review Board interview, which consists of at least two MCAs. The candidate must make a 30-minute presentation to the board, and then be able to successfully defend the quality and viability of the case study against questions from the board.

This self-study exam preparation guide for the MCA certification exam contains everything you need to test yourself and pass the Exam. All Exam topics are covered and insider secrets, complete explanations of all MCA subjects, test tricks and tips, numerous highly realistic sample questions, and exercises designed to strengthen understanding of MCA concepts and prepare you for exam success on the first attempt are provided.

Put your knowledge and experience to the test. Achieve MCA certification and accelerate your career.

Can you imagine valuing a book so much that you send the author a "Thank You" letter?

Tens of thousands of people understand why this is a worldwide best-seller. Is it the authors years of experience? The endless hours of ongoing research? The interviews with those who failed the exam, to identify gaps in their knowledge? Or is it the razor-sharp focus on making sure you don't waste a single minute of your time studying any more than you absolutely have to? Actually, it's all of the above.

This book includes new exercises and sample questions never before in print. Offering numerous sample questions, critical time-saving tips plus information available nowhere else, this book will help you pass the MCA exam on your FIRST try. 

Up to speed with the theory? Buy this. Read it. And Pass the MCA Exam.
Disponible depuis: 24/10/2012.

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