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The Kingdom of Charlie - cover

The Kingdom of Charlie

Commander James Bondage

Narrateur Maxx Power

Maison d'édition: Commander James Bondage

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After an airliner goes down in the uncharted reaches of the Pacific, taking with it the crew and all but two passengers, biologist Dr. Janet Parsons and young missionary Karen Cho, the women seemed doomed to drown in a great storm. Against all odds, they miraculously survive both the crash and a night at sea in a storm, to find an island haven in the middle of nowhere. But then, their luck runs. The only inhabitant of the island is the bizarre hermit, Charlie, and he wants their beautiful bodies in exchange for food and shelter. The two women are faced with a stark choice: starve or become submissive sex slaves of King Charlie.
Durée: environ 3 heures (02:49:50)
Date de publication: 15/10/2018; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —