Seeking the Veil Part 3 - Seeking the Veil #3
Clifton Hill
Maison d'édition: Clifton Hill
Run. Warn. Die. Follow Hestea and the remnants of the Band of Orangebeard as they flee for their lives in a desperate attempt to warn Becken of what comes. They must struggle to stay together and to stay alive in the cold wilds of Becken, while a terrible power stalks their every move. Seeking the Veil comes to an exciting culmination, secrets are revealed, and the question of true power and friendship is put to the task. Seeking the Veil is a 3-part series following the adventures of Hestea Hammerblood and a prequel to the full novel: Veil of a Warrior. Sign up for author Clifton Hill's Newsletter and be first for news: CONTENT: Part 3 is approx 110 book pages long, all 3-parts total about 250 pages. There is some violence and gore, minor and infrequent swearing and some implied sex. Recommended for 13 and up, or mature, younger readers. REVIEWS "The tale of Hestea and Gunter is a fabulous venture into the world of medieval sword and sorcery. (With) atmosphere so intense that it's almost impossible to turn the pages fast enough." --Ray Nicholson, Book Reviewer "The Tension Runs Full Throttle!" -Dianne Bylo, aka Dii, Book Blogger for