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No Regrets - cover

No Regrets

Cindi Myers

Casa editrice: Harlequin Blaze

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Go to Spain. Take gourmet cooking class. Sleep with six men before I turn thirty...After a near-lethal accident forces her to reevaluate her life, Lexie Foster is finished with being Little Miss Conservative. And she has the to-do list to prove it. When she lands a job with private investigator Nick Delaney, it's clear that her dead-sexy boss would be an excellent candidate for a few of the more x-rated things on her list.Nick has his reservations, however. He may be tempted, but he can't forget about their cases. That is, until the night Lexie exercises her own brand of seduction...and proves to him that he will only regret the things he doesn't do.
Disponibile da: 05/01/2010.
Lunghezza di stampa: 256 pagine.

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