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Bandits And Ball Gowns - cover

Bandits And Ball Gowns

Christian Bauer

Casa editrice: Monster House Books

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One Prince Finds True Love ... And Risks It AllElle Cynder has fallen hard for Alec, the 'prince' of Le Charme Jewelers. Time for some happily in their ever after, right?Not so much.While the new couple shares joyful moments--and sizzling kisses--serious trouble is brewing. Elle's evil stepmother, Marchesa, schemes with none other than Alec's twisted father, Legend. Their plan? Destroy Elle and Alec, along with everything the young lovers hold dear, including Bry, Knox, and Wilhelm.Another Royal Freezes His Heart ... But For How Long?As a prince of the dark fae, Jacoby focuses on one goal: avoid assassination. Marrying Elle would certainly aid in that cause, considering how she's both a Cinderella life template and a powerful fae warden. Even better, Jacoby doesn't truly love Elle. In court life, deep romantic attachments only mean certain death.Then Jacoby notices Elle's youngest stepsister, Agatha.For the first time in his life, Jacoby's cold heart warms with true affection. The elven prince struggles to ignore his feelings, but it might be a losing battle. And what would the prince's newfound emotions mean for Elle and Alec? Could Jacoby really stand by and watch another's true love be destroyed?Buckle up for a wild ride as Cinderella's time-honored story gets some all-new twists.FAIRY TALES OF THE MAGICORUM1. Wolves And Roses2. Moonlight And Midtown3. Slippers And Thieves4. Shifters And Glyphs5. Bandits And Ball Gowns
Disponibile da: 18/12/2019.
Lunghezza di stampa: 300 pagine.

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