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Archenemy - The Angelbound Xavier Story - cover

Archenemy - The Angelbound Xavier Story

Christian Bauer

Maison d'édition: Monster House Books

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Ancient Egyptians. Powerful gods. Lost loves. And one badass warrior with wings.Welcome to the beautiful land of ancient Egypt… only it may not stay so lovely for long. The chaos god, Set, plans to destroy the human world. Fortunately, the angel Xavier has the perfect plan to imprison Set and fast. Even better, Xavier can enact his scheme alone… which is just the way he likes it. No partners. No complications. No problems.Suddenly, a gorgeous woman materializes. Calling herself Camilla, she declares she’s from the future. All of which is strange enough, but things soon go from bad to weird when Camilla announces that she and Xavier must work together—it’s the only way to defeat Set.Wow, does Xavier ever hate that idea.The warrior angel decides on a strategic retreat. In other words, Xavier works to avoid Camilla at all costs. Turns out, that isn’t so easy. This mystery woman has set Xavier’s blood on fire in a way he’s never felt before. No matter how hard he tries, Xavier simply can’t desert her.But is Camilla another element of Set’s destructive chaos magic… or is she Xavier’s only chance to save both himself and humanity?Angelbound Xavier Trilogy1. Archenemy2. Archnemesis3. Archangel
Disponible depuis: 08/03/2023.
Longueur d'impression: 282 pages.

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