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Angelbound Tales Volume One - Stories From the World of Myla Lewis - cover

Angelbound Tales Volume One - Stories From the World of Myla Lewis

Christian Bauer

Verlag: Monster House Books

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Love Myla Lewis? Don’t miss Angelbound Tales Volume One, a collection of five bonus stories from Myla’s world, including:
- Walker’s Love Connection,where Myla uncovers a secret about her honorary older brother.
- Sharkie and Snickerdoodles,in which our heroine faces down an uber-evil ghoul in order to get her hands on (what else?) some damned fine cookies.
- Wedding Bells,aka the story of a certain happy couple getting married. Havoc ensues in more ways than one!
- Herbie and Baby Hotdogs,the tale of a quasi-demon whose ‘mortal sin power’ is gluttony. Consider yourself warned.
- Saving Mrs. Pomplemousse,a mini-romance that explores the true meaning of ‘soul mates.’ Say it with me now: awwww!
Originally released in special editions, these many tales now unite in one master collection that spans print, ebook and audio formats! 42,000 words.***Warning*** If you don’t like quirky indie authors, then you’ll hate the following disclaimer from my inner pirate: Shiver me tinders, if ye haven’t read Angelbound books one through three, then these tales’ll frustrate ye more’n a drunk goat on astroturf. Argh!Now back to my regular pirate-free self:I hope these stories provide a little escape from reality because, let’s face it, we all need one these days :)
Verfügbar seit: 19.03.2024.
Drucklänge: 268 Seiten.

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