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Sikh History: A Captivating Guide to the Story of Sikhism From Spiritual Beginnings to Heroic Stands - cover

Sikh History: A Captivating Guide to the Story of Sikhism From Spiritual Beginnings to Heroic Stands

Captivating History

Narratore Jason Zenobia

Casa editrice: Captivating History

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Dive Into the Heart of Sikhism: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding an Unyielding Faith & Fierce Warriors!  
Two manuscripts in one audiobook:History of the Sikhs: A Captivating Guide to the Origins of Sikhism in India, the Sikh Empire, Colonialism, and Modern TimesThe Sikh Wars: A Captivating Guide to the Origins, Battles, and Legacy of the 19th-Century Anglo-Sikh Conflicts 
What's Inside? Uncover the Mysteries:The Birth of Sikhism - Discover how this powerful faith sprouted in India, bringing light to its core beliefs and the intricate society from which it emerged.Trials by Fire - Step into the shoes of the Sikhs as they faced the fierce challenges of Mughal rule, showcasing their unbreakable spirit.Empire of the Brave - Journey through the golden age of the Sikh Empire, witnessing its rise, glory, and eventual struggle against time.Clash with Giants - Relive the epic battles against the British, where strategy and valor clashed with the might of an empire.Warriors Beyond Borders - Marvel at the bravery of Sikh soldiers in World Wars, showcasing their valor on a global stage.Tears of Partition - Feel the heartache and turmoil of the partition, a time of loss and new beginnings.Global Legacy - Explore the widespread influence of Sikhs around the world, integrating into diverse societies while preserving their rich heritage. 
Dive Deeper Into the Sikh Wars:Fierce Battles, Lasting Legacy - Uncover the gritty details of the Anglo-Sikh Wars, a testament to a culture's fight against the tides of history. 
Your Key to a World of Courage and Faith Awaits! Don't miss out on this captivating journey through the annals of Sikh history and culture. Click "Add to Cart" and let the saga unfold!
Durata: circa 7 ore (06:45:30)
Data di pubblicazione: 29/07/2024; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —