imPerfect Samhain An - A Standalone Novella from the imPerfect Cathar Universe
C N Rowan
Narrador C N Rowan
Editora: Main Rock Publishing
The walls between the worlds are thin. The nights draw in. And monsters walk abroad… October 30th, 1958. France’s papers are haunted by the spectre of the Algerian War of Independence. But that still doesn’t explain why they’re silent about a child’s skeleton, washed up on a French beach. No stories, no breaking news. Nothing but a set of police photos, delivered anonymously to my hands. And bite marks on the skeleton, too big for any human to have made. So my best friend, Aicha, and I head to the city of Nice to investigate. But what we find is more missing children, and an emerging pattern. One that raises some terrifying questions. Who would abduct and sacrifice children? Why isn’t the news getting out? What would demand such a sacrifice? And what terrors might it offer as payment in return? We need to find out fast to save the children, if they can be saved. And maybe save the whole of France at the same time. An imPerfect Samhain is a standalone novella in the best-selling “imPerfect Cathar” series. You can expect dark humour, strong language and explicit violence.
Duração: aproximadamente 5 horas (05:02:43) Data de publicação: 16/10/2023; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —