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Moin And The Monsters - cover

Moin And The Monsters

Anushka Ravishankar

Narratore Vanita Mascarehanas

Casa editrice: Storyside IN

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"It was no great hardship for Moin to stop singing, but stopping the monster was proving to be an impossible task ..." When you share a house with a monster who loves to sing, it is unlikely that your first concert will go smoothly. But when a Bollywood music maestro enters the scene and the monster decides to change its colour, life becomes impossibly complicated for Moin.This laugh-out-loud funny sequel to Moin and the Monster will have you demanding more!
Durata: circa 2 ore (01:37:17)
Data di pubblicazione: 30/04/2018; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2018. Copyright Statment: —