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How to earn a billion or the intellectual capital of an entrepreneur - cover

Wir entschuldigen uns! Der Herausgeber (oder Autor) hat uns beauftragt, dieses Buch aus unserem Katalog zu entfernen. Aber kein Grund zur Sorge, Sie haben noch mehr als 500.000 andere Bücher zur Auswahl!

How to earn a billion or the intellectual capital of an entrepreneur

Andrey Yu Gribov

Verlag: Academus Publishing

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This book was written for millionaires. Using systems analysis it shows the necessary and sufficient elements of the intellectual capital
of an entrepreneur (ICE) that guarantee supersuccess in business.
The entrepreneurial experience outlined in the book allows one to see components of success that earlier, perhaps, seemed less significant and meaningful, but which, with an attentive second look, can give a boost to reach a new level of success.
The book contains a critique of Marxist economic theory, pointing out its failure to include a theory of value creation for a parameter as
fundamentally important as an entrepreneurs’ investment of intellectual capital.
Verfügbar seit: 01.02.2018.

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