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Chiffon Trenches The: A Memoir - cover

Chiffon Trenches The: A Memoir

André Leon Talley

Narrador André Leon Talley

Editorial: Andre Leon Taley

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Find what really occurs in the background in the realm of high style in this point by point, celebrated journal from design symbol and previous Vogue imaginative chief André Leon Talley. 
During André Leon Talley's most memorable magazine work helping Andy Warhol at Interview, a pivotal gathering with Karl Lagerfeld started a very long term's kinship with the puzzling, frequently scathing originator. Pushed into the more elite classes by his insight and reverence of style, Talley moved to Paris as authority head of John Fairchild's Ladies' Wear Day to day, become a close acquaintence with style's most significant planners. In any case, as Talley made companions, he additionally made adversaries. A racially touched experience with an individual from the place of Yves Holy person Laurent sent him back to New York and into the workplaces of Vogue under Beauty Mirabella. There, he fostered an impossible yet private companionship with Anna Wintour, and as she rose to the highest point of Vogue's masthead, Talley turned into the most compelling man in style. 
The Chiffon Channels is a real gander at the's who of the most recent 50 years of design and confirmation that reality is in every case naughtily more captivating than fiction. André Leon Talley's connecting with and itemized diary is his account of making due and flourishing in the famously ferocious design industry in the midst of prejudice, homophobia and different difficulties to become quite possibly of the most amazing voice and faces in style news-casting.
Duración: alrededor de 10 horas (09:40:59)
Fecha de publicación: 03/01/2023; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —