Entwined: Essays on Polyamory and Creating Home
Alex Alberto
Narrator Alex Alberto
Publisher: Quilted Press
In a series of genre-blending essays read by the author, Entwined tells the story of Alex Alberto’s decade-long polyamorous journey toward a new kind of family. In these essays, Alex attempts to build two committed relationships at once when no one involved has done this before; develops a powerful bond with the woman their partner loves; sits through a tense Thanksgiving Dinner with religious in-laws; questions the need for rules and hierarchy in their relationships; experiences the intensity of a triad; wrestles with the fragility baked into the nuclear family after their father’s stroke; and explores their queerness and gender identity in English, in New York, and struggles to reconcile their newfound self in their native French-Canadian language and culture. Entwined explores the fuzzy lines between friendship, romance, and family with various essay forms, including a play, an advice column, and a love letter. Yes, there are challenges, but rather than wallowing in the throes of jealousy, this memoir celebrates the hard work of creating a love life that resists conventional narratives. -------- WHAT EARLY READERS SAY ABOUT ENTWINED: "Entwined is a goddamn bible for poly-curious people." —Chloe Caldwell (she/her), 37, questioning "Entwined is about the desire to create a life outside of capitalism, heteronormativity, and the patriarchy." —Samantha Paige Rosen (she/her), 33, queer and monogamous "Entwined had me captivated from start to finish. It will no doubt influence my approach to romance and family." —Rio C. (she/her), 21, queer, trans, and curious about polyamory "I laughed, cried, and felt my heart fill the fuck up." — Dan D. (they), 36, queer and newly navigating non-monogamy within a lifelong partnership.
Duration: about 7 hours (06:39:09) Publishing date: 2024-02-27; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —