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RE: - RE-newing RE-inventing RE-engineering RE-positioning RE-juvenating your Business and Life - cover

RE: - RE-newing RE-inventing RE-engineering RE-positioning RE-juvenating your Business and Life

Al Lautenslager

Publisher: Morgan James Publishing

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As consumers wrestle with tightening credit, inflation, economic slowdown and uncertainties, unemployment, debt, the housing crises, global unrest, mortgage foreclosures, and prognostications of doom and gloom, doing something different is more important than ever. Repositioning, reengineering, renewing, rejuvenating and reenergizing are all rising in priority as they relate to improving businesses, careers, hopes, dreams, personal development and life in general. As a result, Life improvement, battling status quo, ambition, the pursuit of happiness, dealing with change, or exploring the possibilities, are all or in part, on the mind of many today. All of these are related to change, improvement, doing things again or different or re-__________ (insert your Re: word of choice here). This book is the response to the point in time, life and history that our generation is in. It boils down to Re-newing, Re-viving, Re-inventing, Re-engineering, Re-positioning, Re-juvenating your business and life.
Available since: 05/01/2011.
Print length: 138 pages.

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