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Home Buying & Selling: The Complete Guide - cover

Home Buying & Selling: The Complete Guide

Adam Williams

Narrateur Jack McNeal

Maison d'édition: Recreational Audio

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You’re at the point in your life where you’re seriously considering purchasing your first home. You’re sick of paying high rental costs when you know that you’ll never own that property and it simply makes sense to start investing in your own future. 
Buying a home is an exciting adventure, and whether this is your first home or your second, it’s important that you take your time when evaluating potential properties so that you end up with a property that truly reflects your style, your preferences, your lifestyle and of course, the size of your family. 
When considering properties, you also need to think outside of just the property itself. While that Cape Code on the corner may look like your dream home, what about the neighborhood?  
The property costs in certain divisions? Are land taxes reasonable? Are you responsible for water charges? Sewer charges? Recycling costs? Are there any zoning regulations or restrictions that you should be aware of?  
You should also consider your own personal lifestyle and make sure that the neighborhood is reflective of where you are in your life and what you are comfortable with. 
In this audiobook you will find out everything you need to get the most out of your real estate transactions.
Durée: environ 3 heures (03:14:12)
Date de publication: 24/03/2020; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —