Mo' Urban Dictionary - Ridonkulous Street Slang Defined
Aaron Peckham
Editorial: Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC
I have seen the future of slang dictionaries, and its name is urbandictionary.com." --Times (London)* Move over Merriam-Webster, Oxford, and American Heritage; your version of truthiness has hit the marble ceiling.Compiled from the wildly popular Web site urbandictionary.com, Mo' Urban Dictionary: Ridonkulous Street Slang Defined includes more than 2,000 of the latest contemporary slang entries.* Since the site's founding in 1999, more than 2.5 million definitions have been submitted. Thousands of new words and definitions are added each day.* Each alphabetized entry includes a word, a definition, and a sample sentence.Applejacked: Having your Apple iPod stolen. "Dude, on the train last night I totally got Applejacked!"bacon bit: A rent-a-cop; not good/important enough to be referred to as a "pig" or "bacon." "I thought we'd be in trouble when the 5-0 started rollin' up, but then I realized it was just the bacon bits--mall security."cruiser spoon: To park two police cruisers with the drivers' sides adjacent so that the officers can converse through the open windows. "Better slow down, the po-po are cruiser spooning in the parking lot ahead."