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Chronicles of Canada Volume 28 - The Fathers of Confederation: A Chronicle of the Birth of the Dominion - cover

Chronicles of Canada Volume 28 - The Fathers of Confederation: A Chronicle of the Birth of the Dominion

A. H. U. Colquhoun

Narratore LibriVox Community

Casa editrice: LibriVox

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During and after the United States' War of Independence, Canada remained loyal to Great Britain. The upheavals of the 1830's and early 1840's led to a Popular Government and union of Upper and Lower Canada in 1841, but many still wanted confederation of the provinces into one centralized government. It would take over two decades for that to become a reality, "From Sea to Sea". This work chronicles the birth of the Dominion of Canada. (Summary by TriciaG)
Durata: circa 4 ore (04:08:24)
Data di pubblicazione: 25/08/2014; Copyright Year: 1916. Copyright Statment: —