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Staying Connected with Your Teen - Polyvagal Parenting Strategies to Reduce Reactivity Set Limits and Build Authentic Connection

Staying Connected with Your Teen - Polyvagal Parenting Strategies to Reduce Reactivity Set Limits and Build Authentic Connection

LPC Yshai Boussi

In the Lion's Den - Israel and the World

In the Lion's Den - Israel and the World

Danny Danon, Nikki Haley

People Operations - Automate HR Design a Great Employee Experience and Unleash Your Workforce

People Operations - Automate HR Design a Great Employee Experience and Unleash Your Workforce

Tracy Cote, Jay Fulcher, Kevin Marasco

Tugboater's Life

Tugboater's Life

Bob Ojala

The Wounded Storyteller - Body Illness and Ethics Second Edition

The Wounded Storyteller - Body Illness and Ethics Second Edition

Arthur Frank

Raising Passionate Jesus Followers - The Power of Intentional Parenting

Raising Passionate Jesus Followers - The Power of Intentional Parenting

Phil Comer, Diane Comer

52 Uncommon Dates - A Couple's Adventure Guide for Praying Playing and Staying Together

52 Uncommon Dates - A Couple's Adventure Guide for Praying Playing and Staying Together

Randy Southern

A Crisis of Beliefs - Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility

A Crisis of Beliefs - Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility

Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer

The Come Back Effect - How Hospitality Can Compel Your Church's Guests to Return

The Come Back Effect - How Hospitality Can Compel Your Church's Guests to Return

Jason Young, Jonathan Malm