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A Cornucopia of Knowledge: 24 Didactic Fiction Books - Middlemarch Charge It' Horace Chase The Wedding Guest The Governess Sevenoaks etc

George Eliot, Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, T. S. Arthur, Sarah Fielding, Constance Fenimore Woolson, Mary Wollstonecraft, H. G. Wells, Brand Whitlock, Irving Bacheller, George Horace Lorimer, A. L. O. E., Hannah More, Mary H. Eastman, Margaret M. Robertson, J. G. Holland, James Oppenheim, George Griswold Livermore, Silas Xavier Floyd, Eleanora H. Stooke, Horatio Jr. Alger

Floyd's Flowers; Or Duty and Beauty for Colored Children - Being One Hundred Short Stories Gleaned from the Storehouse of Human Knowledge and Experience

Silas Xavier Floyd

Silas X Floyd's Short Stories for Colored People Both Old and Young - Entertaining Uplifting Interesting

Silas Xavier Floyd

Life of Charles T Walker DD ("The Black Spurgeon") - African American Preacher's Journey: The Legacy of The Black Spurgeon

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