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A Cornucopia of Knowledge: 24 Didactic Fiction Books - Middlemarch Charge It' Horace Chase The Wedding Guest The Governess Sevenoaks etc

George Eliot, Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, T. S. Arthur, Sarah Fielding, Constance Fenimore Woolson, Mary Wollstonecraft, H. G. Wells, Brand Whitlock, Irving Bacheller, George Horace Lorimer, A. L. O. E., Hannah More, Mary H. Eastman, Margaret M. Robertson, J. G. Holland, James Oppenheim, George Griswold Livermore, Silas Xavier Floyd, Eleanora H. Stooke, Horatio Jr. Alger

Remarks on Clarissa (1749)

Sarah Fielding

Remarks on Clarissa (1749) - Unveiling Gender Dynamics in 18th-Century Fiction Criticism

Sarah Fielding

The Governess; Or The Little Female Academy - An Educational Tale of Girls' Boarding School Life

Sarah Fielding

The Governess

Sarah Fielding