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Breaking the Bombers - How the hunt for Pagad created a crack police unit

Breaking the Bombers - How the hunt for Pagad created a crack police unit

Mark Shaw

Give Us More Guns - How South Africa's Guns were Armed

Give Us More Guns - How South Africa's Guns were Armed

Mark Shaw

Hitmen for Hire - Exposing South Africa's Underworld

Hitmen for Hire - Exposing South Africa's Underworld

Mark Shaw

A Citizen's Guide to Crime Trends in South Africa

A Citizen's Guide to Crime Trends in South Africa

Mark Shaw, Anine Kreigler

Beneath the Mask of Holiness - Thomas Merton and the Forbidden Love Affair that Set Him Free

Beneath the Mask of Holiness - Thomas Merton and the Forbidden Love Affair that Set Him Free

Mark Shaw