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A Tapestry of Home Life: 27 Domestic Fiction Books - Sisters Three Betty Trevor Shenac's Work at Home The Confounding of Camelia True Love etc Free label@2x

A Tapestry of Home Life: 27 Domestic Fiction Books - Sisters Three Betty Trevor Shenac's Work at Home The Confounding of Camelia True Love etc

Maria Edgeworth, Martha Finley, Mrs. Molesworth, Edith Wharton, Rebecca West, E.M. Forster, Anne Douglas Sedgwick, Marian Hurd McNeely, Ethel Turner, Jean Bingham Wilson, Corra Harris, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov, Margaret M. Robertson, Theodore P. Wilson, Sarah E. Farro, W. Somerset Maugham, Eleanora H. Stooke, Caroline Austin, George de Horne Vaizey, Émile Zola

A Cornucopia of Knowledge: 24 Didactic Fiction Books - Middlemarch Charge It' Horace Chase The Wedding Guest The Governess Sevenoaks etc Free label@2x

A Cornucopia of Knowledge: 24 Didactic Fiction Books - Middlemarch Charge It' Horace Chase The Wedding Guest The Governess Sevenoaks etc

George Eliot, Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, T. S. Arthur, Sarah Fielding, Constance Fenimore Woolson, Mary Wollstonecraft, H. G. Wells, Brand Whitlock, Irving Bacheller, George Horace Lorimer, A. L. O. E., Hannah More, Mary H. Eastman, Margaret M. Robertson, J. G. Holland, James Oppenheim, George Griswold Livermore, Silas Xavier Floyd, Eleanora H. Stooke, Horatio Jr. Alger

Christie Redfern's Troubles - Love Loss and Redemption in Post-World War II England

Christie Redfern's Troubles - Love Loss and Redemption in Post-World War II England

Margaret M. Robertson

Allison Bain; Or By a Way She Knew Not

Allison Bain; Or By a Way She Knew Not

Margaret M. Robertson

Shenac's Work at Home - Exploring Victorian Women's Roles and Domesticity through Shenac's Journey

Shenac's Work at Home - Exploring Victorian Women's Roles and Domesticity through Shenac's Journey

Margaret M. Robertson

The Twa Miss Dawsons - A Tale of Love Loss and Highland Life

The Twa Miss Dawsons - A Tale of Love Loss and Highland Life

Margaret M. Robertson

Eunice - Navigating Love and Identity in a Changing World

Eunice - Navigating Love and Identity in a Changing World

Margaret M. Robertson

David Fleming's Forgiveness - A Tale of Redemption and Healing Through Forgiveness

David Fleming's Forgiveness - A Tale of Redemption and Healing Through Forgiveness

Margaret M. Robertson

Allison Bain; Or By a Way She Knew Not - A Spiritual Journey of Self-Discovery and Inner Conflict

Allison Bain; Or By a Way She Knew Not - A Spiritual Journey of Self-Discovery and Inner Conflict

Margaret M. Robertson

Janet's Love and Service - A Tale of Duty Love and Society in the Victorian Era

Janet's Love and Service - A Tale of Duty Love and Society in the Victorian Era

Margaret M. Robertson

Frederica and her Guardians; Or The Perils of Orphanhood - Triumph and Resilience in 19th Century England

Frederica and her Guardians; Or The Perils of Orphanhood - Triumph and Resilience in 19th Century England

Margaret M. Robertson