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Authors - Biographies of Agatha Christie Dante Alighieri Ernest Hemingway George Orwell Lord Byron and Virginia Woolf

Kelly Mass

Actors and Actresses - Biographies of Betty Davis Grace Kelly Hedy Lamarr Joan Crawford Josephine Baker and Hollywood’s History

Kelly Mass

Composers and Musicians - Biographies about Bach Bob Marley Frank Sinatra Michael Jackson and Vivaldi

Kelly Mass

Painters - Biographies of Botticelli Bruegel Francisco Goya Giotto Johannes Vermeer Leonardo Da Vinci Raphael Rembrandt and Whistler

Kelly Mass

Boxer Rebellion - The Uprising against Western Japanese Colonial and Christian Influences

Kelly Mass

American Indian Wars - History of the American Frontier Wars in Canada and the United States

Kelly Mass

Boer War - The South African War and the Horrors of the Concentration Camps

Kelly Mass

Cold War - History of the Ideological and Geopolitical Tension between the United States and the Soviet Union

Kelly Mass

English Civil War - History of Its Causes and Consequences

Kelly Mass

Korean War - The War between North Korea and South Korean in the 1950s

Kelly Mass

Opium Wars - The Wars Waged between the Qing dynasty and Western Powers in the Mid-19th Century

Kelly Mass

Spanish Civil War - History of the War in Spain between 1936-1939 Explained

Kelly Mass

The Gallic Wars - History of the Battles against the Romans

Kelly Mass

The War of 1812 - History of the Clash between the United States and United Kingdom

Kelly Mass

Vietnam War - History of the Causes Deaths Timeline and Consequences

Kelly Mass

Wars of the Roses - The 15th-Century Series of Wars over the Throne of England

Kelly Mass

World War 1 - The History of Causes Deaths Propaganda and Consequences of WW1

Kelly Mass

War - History and Causes of 11 Different Wars

Kelly Mass

Rembrandt - The Life and Death of One of Holland’s Most Prolific Artists

Kelly Mass

The Baroque - The Era of Decorative Arts Style and Architecture

Kelly Mass

Virginia Woolf - Writer and Pioneer in the Use of Stream of Consciousness

Kelly Mass

Vivaldi - Biography of the Famous Musician and Genius Composer

Kelly Mass

Whistler - The American Painter Who Stunned the World

Kelly Mass

Michael Jackson - Biography of the Most Famous Singer of All Time

Kelly Mass

Raphael - Biography of a Known Renaissance Artist

Kelly Mass

Hedy Lamarr - Biography of One of the Greatest Actresses of All Time

Kelly Mass

History of Hollywood - Details That Led to the Greatest Movie Productions in the World

Kelly Mass

House of Medici - Historical Background of the Richest Italian Family during the Renaissance

Kelly Mass

Impressionism - The History Ideas and Culture of the Impressionist Movement

Kelly Mass

Joan Crawford - Biography of an American Dancer and Actress

Kelly Mass