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The Art of Teaching: 5 Classic Books on Educational Methods - Schools of to-morrow Means and Ends of Education Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Literature On the Firing Line in Education etc

John Dewey, John Lancaster Spalding, Evelyn Dewey, Education Ontario. Department of, Adoniram Judson Ladd, Richard Mulcaster

The World's Great Sermons - Volume IX—Cuyler to Van Dyke

Theodore Ledyard Cuyler, John A. Broadus, John Lancaster Spalding, Robert Stuart MacArthur, William Boyd Carpenter, Charles Henry Parkhurst, Francis Landey Patton, Henry Scott Holland, James Stalker, David James Burrell, Joan Watson, William Robertson Nicoll, Henry Van Dyke

Means and Ends of Education - Exploring the Purpose and Impact of Education

John Lancaster Spalding

Education and the Higher Life - Awakening the Spirit: A Holistic Approach to Education and Transformation

John Lancaster Spalding