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Kid’s Treasury: 99 Classic Children's Books to Enlighten and Educate - Rootabaga Pigeons The Good Crow's Happy Shop Little Mitchell Nobody's Girl The Magic Fishbone Slovenly Betsy The monster-hunters etc Free label@2x

Kid’s Treasury: 99 Classic Children's Books to Enlighten and Educate - Rootabaga Pigeons The Good Crow's Happy Shop Little Mitchell Nobody's Girl The Magic Fishbone Slovenly Betsy The monster-hunters etc

William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, John Bunyan, E. Nesbit, Johanna Spyri, John Habberton, Neltje Blanchan, Hector Malot, James Otis, Edward Stratemeyer, Mary Lamb, Charles Lamb, Oliver Optic, Heinrich Hoffmann, Karl Friedrich Becker, Mary Macgregor, Padraic Colum, G. E. Mitton, Bernadine Bailey, Evelyn Sharp, Jesse Lyman Hurlbut, Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade, Alfred John Church, Josephine Daskam Bacon, Jim Kjelgaard, Harrison Weir, Carl Sandburg, Paul B. Du Chaillu, C. E. Smith, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Francis Rolt-Wheeler, W. Warde Fowler, Rupert Sargent Holland, Josephine Pollard, Sarath Kumar Ghosh, Mary F. Nixon-Roulet, Olive Thorne Miller, Katharine Elizabeth Dopp, Margaret Warner Morley, Dillon Wallace, Norman F. Langford, H. R. Hall, Elisha Noyce, Jean M. Thompson, Patten Beard, Ray Stannard Baker, A. L. O. E., Pamela Grey, Mary Proctor, Ella Rodman Church, Louey Chisholm, Charles H. L. Johnston, George P. Upton, Etta Blaisdell McDonald, E. Louise Smythe, Wm. H. Meadowcroft, E. F. Buckley, Julia Dalrymple, H. Lee M. Pike, Edith M. Patch, F. J. Cross, Kathrine Lois Scobey, Olive Brown Horne, Florence Emma Voigt Mendel, Luna May Ennis, Mary Elting, Dorothy Crain, Douglas English, Roy Rutherford Bailey, C. M. Stevens, Catharine Shaw, Benjamin Brewster, Francis La Flesche, Burren Laughlin, L. L. Flood, James H. Shaw, Henry C. McCook, Claire Martha Coburn, May Farinholt Jones, Harriet Pearl Skinner, Rebecca Deming Moore, Helen Mildred Owen, Joseph Grinnell, Elizabeth Grinnell, Harriet Putnam, Vesta J. Farnsworth, Georgia Eldridge Hanley, Thomas Lambert Sappington, W. Harcourt Bath, Paul Hume, Ruth Fox Hume, Homer Homer, Loïs Bates, L. Würdig

Country Luck

Country Luck

John Habberton

The Barton Experiment

The Barton Experiment

John Habberton

The Worst Boy in Town

The Worst Boy in Town

John Habberton

Who Was Paul Grayson

Who Was Paul Grayson

John Habberton

Country Luck

Country Luck

John Habberton

The Barton Experiment

The Barton Experiment

John Habberton

Trif and Trixy

Trif and Trixy

John Habberton

Rouva Mayburnin kaksoiset - Klassinen kertomus identtisistä kaksoistytöistä 1800-luvun Amerikassa

Rouva Mayburnin kaksoiset - Klassinen kertomus identtisistä kaksoistytöistä 1800-luvun Amerikassa

John Habberton

Toisten ihmisten lapset - Nuorten ystävyys ja perhesuhteiden käänteinen kuvio 1800-luvun Amerikassa

Toisten ihmisten lapset - Nuorten ystävyys ja perhesuhteiden käänteinen kuvio 1800-luvun Amerikassa

John Habberton

The Worst Boy in Town - Exploring adolescence mischief and redemption in a small town setting

The Worst Boy in Town - Exploring adolescence mischief and redemption in a small town setting

John Habberton

Who Was Paul Grayson? - A Journey of Self-Discovery in 19th Century America

Who Was Paul Grayson? - A Journey of Self-Discovery in 19th Century America

John Habberton

Canoeing in Kanuckia - Haps and Mishaps Afloat and Ashore of the Statesman the Editor the Artist and the Scribbler

Canoeing in Kanuckia - Haps and Mishaps Afloat and Ashore of the Statesman the Editor the Artist and the Scribbler

John Habberton, Charles Ledyard Norton

Romance of California Life - A Tale of Love Society and Challenges in 19th Century California

Romance of California Life - A Tale of Love Society and Challenges in 19th Century California

John Habberton

Strange stories of the Civil War - Tales of War and Humanity: A Literary Journey through the Civil War Era

Strange stories of the Civil War - Tales of War and Humanity: A Literary Journey through the Civil War Era

John Habberton, Robert Shackleton, L. E. Chittenden, William Drysdale, G. A. Forsyth, William J. Henderson, Lucy C. Lillie, Howard Patterson

The Scripture Club of Valley Rest; or Sketches of Everybody's Neighbours

The Scripture Club of Valley Rest; or Sketches of Everybody's Neighbours

John Habberton

All He Knew - A Story

All He Knew - A Story

John Habberton

The Barton Experiment

The Barton Experiment

John Habberton

Little Guzzy and other stories - A Journey Through 19th Century America in Heartwarming Tales

Little Guzzy and other stories - A Journey Through 19th Century America in Heartwarming Tales

John Habberton

Helen's Babies

Helen's Babies

John Habberton

Récits d'un humoriste - Plongez dans l'univers comique et satirique de l'auteur talentueux

Récits d'un humoriste - Plongez dans l'univers comique et satirique de l'auteur talentueux

John Habberton

Caleb Wright - A Story of the West

Caleb Wright - A Story of the West

John Habberton

The Barton Experiment - A Captivating Exploration of Social Experiments and Human Nature in the Late 19th Century

The Barton Experiment - A Captivating Exploration of Social Experiments and Human Nature in the Late 19th Century

John Habberton

Budge & Toddie; Or Helen's Babies at Play - Innocence and Mischief: A Victorian Tale of Childhood Adventures

Budge & Toddie; Or Helen's Babies at Play - Innocence and Mischief: A Victorian Tale of Childhood Adventures

John Habberton

The Scripture Club of Valley Rest; or Sketches of Everybody's Neighbours - An Engaging Tapestry of Small-Town Life and Community Interactions

The Scripture Club of Valley Rest; or Sketches of Everybody's Neighbours - An Engaging Tapestry of Small-Town Life and Community Interactions

John Habberton

Country Luck - Resilience and Hope in Rural America: A Classic Tale of Country Life and Luck

Country Luck - Resilience and Hope in Rural America: A Classic Tale of Country Life and Luck

John Habberton

Helen's Babies - A Humorous Tale of Family Chaos and Child-Rearing in 19th Century America

Helen's Babies - A Humorous Tale of Family Chaos and Child-Rearing in 19th Century America

John Habberton

All He Knew - A Story

All He Knew - A Story

John Habberton

Trif and Trixy - A story of a dreadfully delightful little girl and her adoring and tormented parents relations and friends

Trif and Trixy - A story of a dreadfully delightful little girl and her adoring and tormented parents relations and friends

John Habberton

All He Knew Free label@2x

All He Knew

John Habberton