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The Collected Works of Alexander Pope - PergamonMedia

Alexander Pope, John Gay, John Arbuthnot, Homer Homer

Delphi Complete Poetical Works of John Gay (Illustrated)

John Gay

Harvard Classics Volume 40 - English Poetry 1: Chaucer To Gray

Anonymous, William Shakespeare, Alexander Pope, Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, John Gay, James Thomson, John Dryden, Joseph Addison, Robert Herrick, John Fletcher, Francis Beaumont, Isaac Watts, Samuel Daniel, Henry Constable, Douglas D. Webster, Robert Greene, Henry Vaughan, Edmund Spenser, John Donne, George Herbert, Michael Drayton, Geoffrey Chaucer, Abraham Cowley, Andrew Marvell, William Alexandre, Richard Corbett, William Brown, Thomas Gray, Allan Ramsay, Edward Dyer, James Graham, Thomas Nash, Robert Southwell, Richard Crashaw, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Jordan, Henry Cary, William Davenant, Ben Jonson, James Shirley, Thomas Lodge, Thomas Campion, George Gascoigne, Edmund Waller, Robert Devereaux, Silver Deer Classics, Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard, John Lyly, George Peele, William Habington, Richard Rowlands, Richard Barnfield, Henry Wotton, Edward de Vere, Joshua Sylvester, Thomas Heywood, William Drummond, George Wither, Francis Quarles, Thomas Carew, John Suckling, Richard Lovelace, William Cartwright, Alexander Brome, Earl of Rochester, Charles Sedley, Matthew Prior, Lady Grisel Baillie, Ambrose Philips, Colley Cibber, George Bubb Dodington

The Beggar's Opera

John Gay

The Beggar's Opera

John Gay

The Present State of Wit - Exploring 18th Century Literary Satire and Journalism: A Compilation of Wit and Insight

John Gay, Abel Boyer

Fables of John Gay (Somewhat Altered)

John Gay, John Benson Rose

The Poetical Works of Addison; Gay's Fables; and Somerville's Chase - With Memoirs and Critical Dissertations by the Rev George Gilfillan

Joseph Addison, William Somerville, John Gay

Fables of John Gay (Somewhat Altered) - Reimagined Moral Tales and Literary Satire

John Gay, John Benson Rose

Three Hours after Marriage - Navigating 18th-Century Satire: A Tapestry of Marriage Fidelity and Wit

John Gay, Alexander Pope, John Arbuthnot

The Beggar's Opera - A satirical ballad opera critiquing 18th century England's corruption hypocrisy and societal norms through music drama and clever wit

John Gay

The Beggar's Opera

John Gay