The Principles of Education We Lack In - Democracy & Education in USA Moral Principles in Education Health and Sex in Higher Education The Child and the Curriculum
John Dewey
The Logic of Thought - Including Essays in Experimental Logic; Creative Intelligence; Human Nature & Conduct Leibniz's New Essays
John Dewey
The Universal Compass for Educators
John Dewey
Medicine in Virginia 1607-1699
John Dewey
Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
John Dewey
Reconstruction in Philosophy
John Dewey
Democracy and Education
John Dewey
Democracy and Education
John Dewey
Moral Principles in Education
John Dewey
Democracy and Education
John Dewey
Democracy and Education
John Dewey
Human Nature and Conduct (Serapis Classics)
John Dewey
CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE & Other Works on the Human Thought Process - Including Leibniz's New Essays; Essays in Experimental Logic; Human Nature & Conduct
John Dewey
The Logic of Human Mind & Other Works - Critical Debates and Insights about New Psychology Reflex Arc Concept Infant Language & Social Psychology
John Dewey
The Essential John Dewey: 20+ Books in One Edition - Critical Expositions on the Nature of Truth Ethics & Morality
John Dewey
Becoming the Superpowers: John Dewey's Reflections on USA China & Japan - Critical Insights on the Impact of Eastern Powers on United States
John Dewey
The Schools of Utopia & Schools of To-morrow (Illustrated) - A Case for Inclusive Education
John Dewey
Shaping Tomorrow's Education: John Dewey's Edition - 9 Books in One Volume - Democracy and Education The Philosophy of Education Schools of To-morrow…
John Dewey
Ethics (Serapis Classics)
John Dewey, James Tufts
Democracy and Education & Other Writings (A Collected Edition) - My Pedagogic Creed The School and Society The Child and the Curriculum…
John Dewey
Democracy and Education
John Dewey
The School and Society
John Dewey
John Dewey - Ultimate Collection: 40+ Works on Psychology Education Philosophy & Politics - Democracy and Education The Schools of Utopia Studies in Logical Theory
John Dewey
The Pragmatic Philosophy of John Dewey – Premium Collection: 20+ Books in One Volume - Critical Expositions on the Nature of Truth Ethics & Morality by the Renowned Philosopher Psychologist & Educational Reformer of 20th Century
John Dewey
Schools Of To-morrow & The Schools of Utopia (Illustrated Edition) - A Case for Inclusive Education from the Renowned Philosopher Psychologist & Educational Reformer of 20th Century
John Dewey