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Rough and Ready; Or Life Among the New York Newsboys - Street Smarts and Solidarity: Tales of New York Newsboys

Horatio Jr. Alger

Strong and Steady; Or Paddle Your Own Canoe - Finding Success and Self-Reliance in a Classic American Tale

Horatio Jr. Alger

Mark Manning's Mission - The Story of a Shoe Factory Boy

Horatio Jr. Alger

Helen Ford - An Inspiring Tale of Perseverance and Triumph in 19th Century America

Horatio Jr. Alger

Charlie Codman's Cruise - A Story for Boys

Horatio Jr. Alger

Jed the Poorhouse Boy - A Tale of Perseverance and Integrity in 19th Century America

Horatio Jr. Alger

Tattered Tom; or The Story of a Street Arab - Journey of Perseverance and Hope in Urban Street Life

Horatio Jr. Alger

Nelson the Newsboy; Or Afloat in New York - Navigating Youth in Urban America: Tales of Resilience and Ambition

Edward Stratemeyer, Horatio Jr. Alger

Julius the Street Boy; or Out West - Journey of Hope and Resilience in the Wild West

Horatio Jr. Alger

In Search of Treasure - A Quest for Hidden Treasure: An Inspiring Adventure of Perseverance and Moral Growth

Horatio Jr. Alger

Grit; or The Young Boatman of Pine Point - A Tale of Perseverance and Success in 19th Century America

Horatio Jr. Alger

Struggling Upward or Luke Larkin's Luck - A Rags-to-Riches Tale of Perseverance and the American Dream

Horatio Jr. Alger

Luck and Pluck; or John Oakley's Inheritance - A Tale of Perseverance and Triumph: Follow John Oakley's Journey to Success in 19th-Century America

Horatio Jr. Alger

Dan the Newsboy - A Heartwarming Tale of Resilience and Hope in 19th Century City Streets

Horatio Jr. Alger

Digging for Gold - A Story of California

Horatio Jr. Alger

Mark the Match Boy; or Richard Hunter's Ward - A Journey of Poverty Perseverance and Success in 19th Century Urban America

Horatio Jr. Alger

Driven from Home; Or Carl Crawford's Experience - A Tale of Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Success against all Odds

Horatio Jr. Alger

Bob Burton; or The Young Ranchman of the Missouri - Journey of Determination and Resilience in the Missouri Ranchlands

Horatio Jr. Alger

Adventures of a Telegraph Boy; or "Number 91" - A Tale of Telegraphs and Triumph: A Classic Rags-to-Riches Adventure

Horatio Jr. Alger

Andy Gordon; Or The Fortunes of A Young Janitor - A Janitor's Journey to Success in Gilded Age America

Horatio Jr. Alger

A Boy's Fortune; Or The Strange Adventures of Ben Baker - Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in 19th Century America

Horatio Jr. Alger

A Debt of Honor - The Story of Gerald Lane's Success in the Far West

Horatio Jr. Alger

Bernard Brooks' Adventures: The Experience of a Plucky Boy - A Plucky Boy's Pursuit of the American Dream

Horatio Jr. Alger

The Errand Boy; Or How Phil Brent Won Success - Rising from Rags to Riches: A Tale of Perseverance and Ambition in 19th Century America

Horatio Jr. Alger

Mark Mason's Victory - A Tale of Triumph and Resilience in 19th Century America

Horatio Jr. Alger

Mark Mason's Victory: The Trials and Triumphs of a Telegraph Boy - A Tale of Perseverance and Growth in the 19th Century

Horatio Jr. Alger

Wait and Hope; Or A Plucky Boy's Luck - A Plucky Journey to Success: An American Dream Tale of Resilience and Determination in the 19th Century

Horatio Jr. Alger

Young Captain Jack; Or The Son of a Soldier - An Anthology of American Youth Valor and Adventure

Edward Stratemeyer, Horatio Jr. Alger

Frank and Fearless; or The Fortunes of Jasper Kent - Rising from Adversity: A Tale of Resilience and Virtue in 19th Century America

Horatio Jr. Alger

The Store Boy - Journey through Poverty and Perseverance in 19th Century America

Horatio Jr. Alger